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Anti Aging Med Spa

5 Dangerous Warning Signs You’re Aging Too Fast

Are you aging too fast?

Most People Are.

In fact, it's estimated that the average American over 30 shows advanced signs of aging measured in decades.

Meaning that most 30 year olds look 40, more 40 year olds look at least 50, and so on.

But remember, that's just from our environment (breathing polluted air, drinking bottled water, eating processed food, sitting too much, staring at a computer or phone, etc).

In reality, 80-90% of the population do OTHER things that accelerate the signs of aging even more, like drinking alcohol, smoking, or failing to exercise enough).

But there's a way to detoxify your system, and erase the sins of your past. A way that celebrities and athletes use to look and feel their best (more on that in a moment.)

First, let's look at some of the dangerous warning signs that prove you're aging too fast.

The 5 Warning Signs...

Warning Sign #1:
You Don’t Sleep Long Enough
Most people focus on nutrients like magnesium or even things like Melatonin or CBD for sleep. But toxins are the number one cause of disruptive sleep. Toxins cause inflammation, and inflammation causes a release in cortisol, and cortisol wakes you up at night. No amount of sleep aids can fix that, but what you're about to see on this page CAN.

Warning Sign #2:
Your Immune System is Fragile
The National Library of Medicine published a paper clearly showing that the chemical pollutants which surround us every day can drastically suppress our immune system decreasing our ability to fight off disease. So if you get sick or feel tired all the time, or have digestive issues, or have difficulty handling stress, then your body (or internal organs) may be aging too fast.

Warning Sign #3:
You Have Low Sex Drive or Mood
Did you know that toxins in your blood can literally suppress the critical building block of hormones, including estrogen and testosterone? In fact, even average toxin levels lead to “low T”... menopause-like symptoms and other hormone imbalances. So if you’re lacking sex-drive or your mood feels lower than normal, it could be a simple toxin issue causing your internal organs to age faster than they should.

Warning Sign #4:
You Gain Weight Easily
This was another discovery that shocked researchers. When they looked at obese people, they found that their bodies were often holding toxins that needed to be flushed out before the weight would drop off. And one study published in PubMed found that the toxins that our grandparents were exposed to caused obesity in future generations! So if you still can't seem to drop those final few pounds - it might not be your fault, and you owe it to yourself and your future generations to fix this (which could take just 30-minutes - more on this shortly.)

Warning Sign #5:
You're Starting To Forget Things
If you're beginning to forget things, and especially if this gets worse later in the day - you might be aging too fast. That’s because your blood circulatory system can weaken and become brittle as you age, causing brain fog (lack of healthy oxygenated blood in the brain), as well as cold hands and feet, and eventually arterial plaque which is the number one cause of strokes and heart attacks in otherwise "healthy" people.

If You Suffer From One Or More Of These
Dangerous Warning Signs Of Aging Too Fast

You're probably only seeing this page if you're one of my clients at Thin MD MedSpa, so you already know how hyper-focused I am about helping you LOOK AND FEEL YEARS YOUNGER.

So, I hope you realize what a big statement it is when I tell you this is...

My New FAVORITE Therapy!

In my 30+ years as a medical doctor, and my 20+ years in the MedSpa business, I’ve never been more impressed with the results I’ve seen from this simple process...

In fact, I've been using it almost every day since it arrived, and so have many of our clients!


Because this therapy (our new HOCATT Ozone Sauna) is a relaxing, whole body rejuvenation unit that helps users get:

  • More youthful appearance
  • Reduced inflammation and pain
  • Increase in energy and decrease in overall tiredness throughout the day
  • Weight loss and elimination of cellulite
  • Regulating and maintaining of a healthy weight
  • Faster recovery after athletics and injury due to sport
  • Improve heart health
  • Increased circulation, white blood cells, and stem cells
  • Boosts the immune system to fight off illness and disease
  • Deactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, and protozoa


By detoxifying and revitalizing every system in your body!

BTW: If you see something on that list that you want more of in your life - then call now to try our HOCATT at our introductory price!

You Benefit From All This From One
30-Minute HOCATT Ozone Sauna session...

Steam Sauna
The proven benefits of a steam sauna include heart heath, muscle relaxation, stress relief, skin health, balanced blood pressure, blood cleansing, pain management, improved respiratory function, reduced inflammation, and so much more!

Far Infrared Therapy
From improved blood circulation to a strong cardiovascular system to detoxifying your cells and lymphatic system, Far Infrared Therapy is a low energy therapy where waves of light penetrate the human body, transforming into heat energy to gently elevate temperature and activate major bodily functions.

Carbonic Acid Therapy
Carbonic Acid Therapy has been shown to increase blood circulation throughout your body and oxygenation at a cellular level, calm your central nervous system (which controls all bodily functions), reduce high blood pressure, relieve tension and stress in the body, spine, and muscles, decrease the appearance of cellulite, wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, and improve the tone, texture and appearance of the skin.

Hyperthermia Therapy
Hyperthermia therapy is an immunotherapy, and thus can provide an amazing boost to our immune systems.

PEMF Therapy
PEMF (Electrotherapy) is an FDA approved therapy that is used to improve metabolism, balance hormones, improve muscle density, improve overall healing, improve sleep patterns, and so much more. I firmly believe PEMF is one of the main reasons I have been able to continue playing tennis competitively for more than 3 decades.

Ozone Therapy
Ozone Therapy is used to repair and detoxify calls, improve hair and skin, help with brain tissue damage, Our HOCATT uses medical grade ozone, which is a highly reactive form of pure oxygen, to assist creating a curative response in the body.

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent (FSM)
Frequency-Specific Microcurrent is a is a cutting-edge, FDA-approved solution for treating pain and improving your body’s functions at a cellular level. FSM, delivered via our HOCATT helps your body repair and heal itself on many levels.

Photon Light Therapy
This is a state-of-the-art digital therapy (LEDs) that is used to help improve minor motor functions and nerve regeneration, improve skin and acne, improve mood and alleviate symptoms of depression.

Call our friendly, expert HOCATT team now for more details or to reserve your 30-minute, life changing session:

(904) 694-0992