How Long Will It Take You To Get The Body You Truly Desire?
Take the 2-minute Body Assessment Quiz and Find Out!
"I do not believe that anyone is genetically overweight..."
Now that doesn’t mean that there aren’t those people who may have an easier time losing weight or staying in great shape – and those people are sometimes called genetically gifted.
But genetics only plays a small part in your physical appearance.
My name is Dr. Anthony Capasso MD, and I am board certified in internal medicine, and the Director of Integrative Medicine at Thin MD Med Spa.
I've been named one of Jacksonville Florida’s top physicians, and for almost 2 decades my focus has been helping people to shed stubborn fat and drastically improve their health.
Our success has been written up in magazines and gotten the attention of everyone from sports stars to business executives to busy moms.
From burning fat, to boosting energy, to feeling and looking younger and more confident... the secret is understanding what will work for you and what will not.
Take the FREE "Thin Body Assessment" below...
...and find out exactly how to get the body you desire.
As a bonus you'll also get my "10 Days To Look and Feel 10 Years Younger" Program FREE just for taking the assessment today.